How to order one of our papers For our Prewritten Term Papers it is a 3-Step Process.
1. Type in general keywords in our search engine to find a paper that fits your needs.
2. Select your desired paper and click on 'buy this paper' link.
3. Enter your credit card information and your paper will be emailed to you.
There you go... easy as 1,2,3!
For our Custom Term Paper Writing Service Here are some pointers to keep in mind when ordering.
1. Make sure you know what your topic is?
This helps us determine exactly what we’re writing about and what to research.
2. Give us the class your term paper is for?
Knowing what class a paper is for will help us write your model paper accordingly. Knowing whether your model paper is for a sociology or international relations class will help us write a paper suited for that particular class.
3. Give us the number of sources you want us to include when writing your paper.
This helps us understand the depth of research needed to complete your model paper.
4. Know the requirements you want included in your paper.
Being specific with the information you want included in your paper will help us focus your model paper accordingly. (ie. If you request a paper on the American Civil war, it would be of value to know if you want a general paper on the Civil War or something more specific. Letting us know what you want us to focus on like what happened before the war, during or if you want us to focus primarily on reconstruction). If you don’t know, then call our office so they can help you out.
Give us as many details as possible or let us know the general parameters!
5. Give us a deadline that you can work with… this means that you request your paper back with enough time to write your own.
Remember that our service is meant to help students write their own paper and not to help students plagiarize. We have made our service legitimate and worthy of being an honest service by working with the strictest of standards for the last 7 years. We want it to remain that way.
If at any time you have a question or concern call us at 1-888-774-9994!

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