Interview Essays
An interview essay is an essay written about an interview. A teacher may assign a student to interview someone and after he/she does the interview then the student writes about the essay. Another type of interview essay is one written after a job interview by a prospective employee thanking an employer for the opportunity of the interview. Sometimes a prospective employer will write the prospective employee an interview essay describing how well the interview went and asking the employee to become a part of their organization. There are several types of interview essays depending on the need and who is writing the essay, but the main point of an interview essay is one person has had an interview with another person and the interview essay summarizes it.
Sample Paragraph of an Interview of a Famous Writer
Interviewing Jeannie Moore was a privilege. She has written several magazine articles and been the co-author to several books. Her writing is mainly non-fiction and usually describes incidents that have happened in her life. Ms. Moore states she has two children and a husband. She owns several Maltese and she describes these as the love of her life. She shared with me the first time she selected a Maltese as a time when she really did not want a dog. Her daughter saw some large puppies to give away. She told her daughter they would become large dogs. This man walks up and tells them about his mother who had some puppies to give away. She let her daughter have one of the Maltese puppies and it changed their lives.
This sample paragraph describes an interview between a student and a famous writer, Jeannie Moore. The student describes how the interview went and describes some of the anecdotes the writer shared with her.
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