Title Goes Here 5
(This template will provide samples for APA style references for a book, a journal article, and a website. An actual References list is alphabetized by author's last name and is double spaced with a hanging indent, which means that the first line of each entry is flush against the left margin while the second and subsequent lines are indented one-half inch.)
General Format:
Book Author's Last Name, First Initial. (Date of Publication). Title of book capitalized
like a sentence. City of Publication: Publisher.
Article Author's Last Name, First Initial & Second Author's Last Name, First Initial.
Article title capitalized like a sentence without quotation marks. Journal Title,
Volume Number(Issue Number), Pages.
Internet Author's Last Name, First Initial. (Date of Publication). Article title capitalized
like a sentence without quotation marks. Website Title. Retrieved from <web
Clark, C. (2013). Iron kingdom: The rise and downfall of Prussia, 1600-1947.
Cambridge: Belknap Press.
Keller, M. & Horne, S. (1976). Take back the knight: Reinterpreting medieval poetry
from a feminist perspective. Journal of Medieval Literature, 12(5), 66-89.