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feedback essays

Feedback Essay

Students can get Feedback Essay topics from their experiences during an adventurous trip, sitting for an examination, a sporting competition, debate, travel, and a job interview, among others.

This article details the essence of a Feedback Essay, its objectives, features, and tips for writing a gripping paper.

The essence of a Feedback Essay

Feedback is a reaction to a performance, a product, or an encounter. In essence, it is about stating your personal observations about something or some actions. In essay writing, feedback is an evaluation of a thing or an experience.

A Feedback Essay needs to be descriptive in nature to give illustrations on the reactions of the writer. Your readers should be able to have a clear mental image of the thing or experience in question. You should be able to demonstrate your unique understanding of the specific topic.

Objectives of writing a Feedback Essay

The following objectives inform the writing of a Feedback Essay:

Describing a thing or an experience

A Feedback Essay is about giving your personal opinion on a product or an experience you have had in life. For that reason, readers have to understand what you are talking about. It follows that you have to describe the object or the subject as you explain your personal reaction. You can generate a good Feedback Essay topic example of your visit to a national park. You should detail the facility's features, what you were able to observe, and what you felt about the visit.

Demonstrating familiarity with the subject or object in question

The essay should show that you are familiar with what you are reacting to. Can anyone comment on an unfamiliar issue? How else can it be confirmed that what you are responding to is not an imagination? Let your readers connect with the subject or object in question to have a compelling essay.

Assessing the authors' authenticity in describing an object of a subject

While describing your experience, the essay must be persuasive to the readers. For instance, if you are writing feedback on a national park visit, your essay should not mislead your readers with inaccurate information. For example, the readers will find it unconvincing to say antelopes were grazing leisurely at a field where lions were basking. Your essay must be realistic rather than imaginative.

Showcasing observation skills

Feedback essays are readers' window into your mind. For that reason, be keen on details by describing them. Readers should see what you encountered and feel what you underwent. The essays should be captivating enough to your readers such that it leaves no one in doubt.

feedback essay topics

Features of Feedback essays

Feedback essay writing transcends all disciplines, including film, philosophy, music, poetry, and health, among many others. You can have an endless list of Feedback Essay topics. Despite its wide scope, the characteristics of the essay are similar and include:

1.  Focus on a specific object or subject

A good feedback essay is specific on the subject or objects it is responding to. Any attempt to have multiple focuses will lead to a mix-up that compromises the essay's quality.

2.  Evidence-based

Evidence must accompany every claim that the essay makes. For example, evidence such as sounds from unknown animals will support a claim of a frightening experience in the forest.

3.  Descriptive

A feedback essay seeks to connect readers with a subject or object. Therefore, the essay should create a mental picture for readers to understand what the writing is about. In some cases, the object or subject is considered obvious; nonetheless, a clear description should be made. For example, feedback on a philosophy examination should indicate the nature of questions and the examiner's expectations.

4.  Subjective

Feedback is personal because people react differently to situations and materials. For that reason, your essay should explain how the item or subject excited your intellect or senses. For example, a helicopter flight may be frightening to someone yet thrilling to another.

Steps on writing a Feedback essay

To write a good feedback essay, the following steps will guide you:

1.  Understand the subject/object

It will be weird to give feedback on something you do not understand. Hence, prioritize in understanding what you are writing about. If the subject is obscure, research on it to make an informed and convincing feedback.

2.  Make clear your thesis

The subject in question may be too wide. To avoid unnecessary details, look for a specific perspective, and focus on it. For example, if you are writing feedback on your visit to a cafeteria, you cannot write about all the foods that are served in the eatery. You have to concentrate on a particular delicacy that fascinated you.

3.  Pick out descriptions

Look out for what stands out in what you are responding about. For instance, if you are giving feedback on a dinner at a recently launched cafeteria, you can focus on using spices describing their nature and how they taste.

4.  Identify your assumptions/expectations visa vis reality

Feedback seeks to expose your expectations and compare them to the experience. Ensure that you make them known. For example, a feedback essay on a road trip may reveal the expectations of a smooth ride. However, the reality may be a troublesome trip with an accident.

5.  Write your draft

After you have understood the subject/object, identify a clear thesis statement, picked out descriptions and assumptions, and start writing your first draft.

6.  Revise your essay

Revise your essay to ensure there is consistency in your arguments. Look out for errors and correct them.

Feedback Essay Writing Tips

To write a good feedback essay, you should consider the following tips:

1.  Make clear observations: Be keen on details, however small they might be. Details will ensure that your essay is authentic.

2.  Write down notes: As you familiarize yourself with the topic in question, write down notes to guide you when drafting the essay. Look out for anything fascinating that can spice up your essay to make it exciting.

3.  Express your observations in the first person: A feedback essay is rather subjective. It would help if you did not hesitate to express your opinions on the subject or object you are writing about. You are free to use the personal pronoun "I."

4.  Explain how you feel or think: Let the readers know how you feel and what you think about what you are reacting to. Bring out your emotions as well as arguments to make the essay complete.


Your Feedback essay should display your subjective view on the subject or object under discussion. It should stand out as unique from the rest. Make your essay captivating through vivid descriptions and avoid being vague. Check out a few Feedback essay topic examples to have a clue on how to nail them.

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