How do I submit my thesis or dissertation?
Submission is the next step after a successful dissertation completion. The submission processes begin during the final steps of its completion. First, come the drafts and the redrafts shared with the supervisors. The communication highlights areas that need to be revised, additional references to consider, and arguments that require clarifications. Second, comes the organization phase. This step entails ensuring that the dissertation meets the requirements. It would be important to keep in touch with the advisor to determine the research objectives and their achievement through the undertaken research. Other requirements that could be considered could be ensuring that one has all the equipment required for printing the dissertation, including ink and cartilage.
It is vital to take a small break to go through the dissertation and ensure that every requirement has been met. After completing the final copy by ensuring that all the guidelines are met, at least one copy of the signature page should be signed by the committee chairperson and the committee members for submission to the dissertation office. Signatures should be original. The committee should review the dissertation. This review may necessitate alterations to the dissertation. As a result, it is important to ensure the completion of the submission process before the dissertation deadline to give time for the required changes before the final submission to the department, dissertation office, or the designated delivery channel. The dissertation office could examine the draft to determine whether it aligns with the required style manual guidelines indicated in the Research Topic Approval Form. Further communication from this office on additional changes to the dissertation would be made through email. Received communication could highlight plagiarism issues and ensure that all the required approvals have been obtained for the various steps of the research. Submission to ProQuest or other required databases could require changing the document to the PDF format. However, publication to the database is subject to the scholar's graduation. In some institutions, documents are published to the database three to four months after a student's graduation. Multiple documents could require combination before publication.
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