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important citation requirements thesis dissertation

What are the most important citation requirements for my thesis/dissertation?

Citation requirements are a crucial aspect of scholarly writing. Upholding the citation requirements in a dissertation/thesis ensures the work receives the required academic finish while supporting the presented ideas and arguments to denote a comprehension of the research process and topic of study. Different referencing styles provide crucial information where the reader can conduct additional clarification. Regardless of the referencing style, there are core components that stand out and require inclusion in the dissertation. The first component is the publication's author. The second element is the title of the work. Through the article, it is easy to determine the material's correlation with the study topic. The third aspect is the medium. Some materials could be published through online libraries or scholarly databases. The date of the publication is another crucial citation requirement. The date determines how recent the provided information is. Researchers using the dissertation could be guided by the publication's date to search for recent information from the same author. Other elements could include the publisher, place of publication, additional details such as the volume and issue number.

Fulfilling the citation requirements ensures a student avoids plagiarism. A student completing the dissertation without citations masquerades the materials as their own, which is not the case. It is important to any used reference that belongs to others. Citation applies the used direct citations and paraphrased information. A student could be accused of plagiarism if they fail to cite materials that influenced their thinking and knowledge on the study topic. Upholding the citation requirements is good for the student and a reader interested in the dissertation's topic. These requirements could be helpful to the readers who want to stimulate their critical thinking on an area covered by a particular material. For the review committee, it is easy to trace back the influence of the school of thought displayed in the dissertation while examining their accurate presentation. Citing other scholarly materials denotes a student as widely-read, making it easy to convince the readers with the presented argument, increasing the credibility of the research findings. Nevertheless, the citation requirements one uses in their dissertation could be influenced by the preferred manual style in the institution.

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