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The Paper Experts Term Paper Writer Q/A

Nickname:   Super-Wwriter    ID 741

What single word best describes you?

How long have you been writing model term papers?
I have been writing model papers for 3 years and 9 months.

What's your secret for writing model term papers on short deadlines?
My secret is exhaustive research, appreciating the needs of the customer, staying focused, and caring about the finished product I deliver.

What advice would you give potential clients?
If you have any doubts about your own ability to do the job, then you really need a professional writer to guide you towards the grade you deserve.

What is the highest level of education you have achieved?
I hold a Masters degree in history, and I earned a combined honors degree in History & Political Science. I also have a minor in English.

What is you most memorable experience writing a model term paper?
To be honest, each time I hear back from a client that things have gone well would qualify as my most memorable experience.

What do you enjoy most about writing model term papers?
I like it least when deadlines become unreasonable or whenever I find it difficult to access information.

What do you like least about writing model term papers?
I am often concerned that the professor won't agree with ideas expressed in my papers.

What was the toughest model term paper you wrote, and why was it so tough?
My toughest paper was probably a paper I wrote some time ago (Summer of 2005, I believe) when it became clear the client was uncertain as to how she wanted to proceed; this uncertainty caused a lot of difficulty at my end because I was still new to the writing process and therefore unable to "read between the lines" and help us both out.

Tell us something we don't know about you in a paragraph.
Hmmm. Well, I am an avid sports fan (hockey, mixed martial arts) and I enjoy golf. Also, I would love nothing better than to visit each and every country in Latin America at least once in my lifetime. Some other things about me you should know: I love Chinese food; I would like to learn how to play water polo; and I would love to be a hobby farmer some day.

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